
Choose natives rather than exotics. Exotic plants can become an invasive species and choke out the natives. If you already have invasive species, remove them from the landscape. Check with your nearest Cooperative Extension Office for information on the invasive species in your area.

Reduce the size of the lawn by planting varieties of evergreen and deciduous plants. More variety attracts more species. Plant at least one clump of evergreens. Some shrubs and trees need to be planted near each other for pollination.

Rock piles and brush piles make wonderful homes for wildlife and helps to naturalize your landscape.

Don't use pesticides. Instead, find other ways to control pests by using natural methods. Let ladybugs, praying mantis, birds and snakes help control unwanted pests. Most garden nurseries have ladybugs, praying mantis and other predatory insects for sale. If not, you can order them over the internet. Our favorite place is Peaceful Valley Farm.

Add a pond for more diversity and peacefulness. The combination of fish and plants make a beautiful addition to your landscape.

Dead stands are used for forage and nesting sites. We planted a Dutch Honeysuckle at the base of our dead stand because flickers prefer nesting in dead stands with shrubs growing at their base.

Bring in the Bats

Bats are an important addition to the wildlife habitat. You can purchase bat houses at Bat Conservation, other internet locations or from your local wildlife center. You can read more about bats in the Critters Section.

Homes for Native Bees

Mason bees are native bees and excellent pollinators. Information from the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences gives instructions on raising mason bees and how to build a mason bee house. You can read more about mason bees and other native bees in the Critters Section.

Butterfly Garden

Plant a butterfly garden. You can read more about Butterflies, Moths & Skippers in the Critters Section.

Hummingbird Garden

Plant a hummingbird garden. In our area, the fuchsia, honeysuckle, crocosmia, ribes sanguineum, salmonberry, Indian Plum, and other plants attract the hummingbirds. The Anna's Hummingbird lives here all year and relies on insects for protein. You can read more about Anna's Hummingbirds and Rufous Hummingbirds in the Backyard Birds Section.